Everything You Need To Know About Cedar Pergolas
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Everyone loves a beautiful outdoor space to gather and hang out. Whether your space is for enjoying some wine with friends overlooking the sunset or drinking your morning coffee…a cedar pergola is a great place to enjoy the company of friends and family.
You may have heard of pergolas, but have you ever heard of them being made from cedar wood? Keep reading to learn more about this luxurious feature for your home and property.
Is Cedar Wood Good For Pergolas?
Cedarwood is an excellent material for pergolas. Maybe you have your concerns about an all-wooden structure; we get that. However, there are 3 big reasons why cedar wood is great for a pergola.
Cedar Wood Pergolas Act As A Natural Bug Repellent
According to the research completed by Northwood Industries, cedar pergolas are naturally bug repellent. Imagine this; instead of covering yourself in the ever-so-lovely scent of Off (sarcasm implied), your wood pergola would naturally repel the bugs. This leaves you and your guest happier, and no one smells like a weekend camping experience once they’ve gone!
Cedar Wood Pergolas Are Rot Resistant
Dampness is a real issue when it comes to being outdoors. Not just the rain but the general humidity. One of the significant advantages of cedar wood is that its properties are naturally rot resistant. Think about it; we all know that person who has a kid’s swing set that has seen better years. Why? The moisture had gotten into the wood, and rot began to take place. Pair that against a cedar structure, and you will not see near the wear and tear from the weathering that takes place.
Cedar Wood Pergolas Are Durable
Cedarwood pergolas are strong. This sounds like a straightforward construct but hear us out. Cedarwood is grown in high-altitude places. The end result is a wood that is exceptionally resistant to shrinking, cracking, and, most importantly, warping. These features allow your cedar pergola to stand up to the test of time.
How Long Will A Cedar Pergola Last?
A Cedar Pergola should last 30 years or longer. However, this length of time is if it is not in direct contact with the soil. To help keep your cedar pergola from being in direct contact with the ground, we suggest having your cedar pergola on pavers, a concrete pad, or an area with proper drainage.
Cedar Pergolas vs Pressure Treated Pine
Many people believe that Cedar Pergolas are the best option for every application. Although we are partial to the durability and looks of a cedar pergola, both pine and cedar woods are great options. The color and price point are two big factors that play into what option is best for you.
Cedar pergolas tend to cost a bit more money in comparison to their pine counterparts. The reason cedar wood costs more is because of the natural properties that are present in the wood. Additionally, because so many of these attributes are present in the wood, it is far more desirable to purchase.
Pine pergolas are often desired over cedar pergolas because they can be a bit more customized in color. This is because the color of pine wood is “white” in comparison to the distinct cedar wood color. When someone chooses Pinewood over Cedarwood, they can then select which color stain they would like to use and have it match the surroundings. In fact, you can make your pine pergola look similar to a cedar pergola if you choose to stain it with a cedar color stain. If you are thinking about staining your pine pergola to look like a cedar pergola, we think this video is a great way to understand how to stain your pergola.
Maintaining Your Cedar Pergola
Finding reputable and trustworthy ways to maintain your cedar pergola is complex. However, it should not have to be that way. To help you understand what ways are beneficial for maintaining your cedar pergola, we have compiled answers to some of the most asked questions about cedar pergola maintenance.
Do You Need To Seal A Cedar Pergola?
No, you don’t NEED to seal your cedar pergola. However, sealing your cedar pergola can enhance the longevity of the wood’s color. If you choose to seal your cedar wood, it will need to be completed every two years.
Do You Need To Stain A Cedar Pergola?
Yes, you should stain a cedar pergola if you desire to prevent it from becoming grey in appearance. Nonetheless, you do not need to stain your cedar pergola if you like a natural weathered look. Be advised that once you stain the wood, you will need to keep up with staining every so often or risk it becoming the grey ashen color that occurs with weathering.
Can You Paint A Cedar Pergola?
Yes, you can paint a cedar pergola. However, we would advise you to look at another wood option if you desire to paint the wood. Cedar is a great option for those who are looking for a natural wood appearance, and the price is reflective of that. Other woods are just as sturdy and reputable but cost far less and will save you money if you intend to paint over the wood you have selected.
How Do You Clean A Cedar Pergola?
Cleaning a cedar pergola sounds like it would be a difficult task. In reality, it is not. The essentials you will need are water, a cleaning solution, and a heavy-duty bristle brush to clean away the accumulated dirt. This video gives a brief how-to on cleaning and sealing a cedar pergola.
Cedar Pergola Add-Ons
We think a cedar pergola is a beautiful outdoor feature, no matter how simple you keep it. Yet, adding on a few features is a great way to make the space all your own. To help you figure out what features are the best fit for your aesthetic desires, there are a few available design add-ons.
Cedar Pergola Roof
Adding a roof to your cedar pergola may seem slightly out of place. In fact, you may hear that if you wanted a roof, you should have just looked at getting a pavilion. What we mean by a roof is more of a lattice roof style. This kind of roofing style provides you with a high-quality roof for some additional shade measures. One of the greatest features that a lattice roof provides is greater structural integrity to grow vining plants over top of it should you so desire.
Cedar Pergola Canopy
Everyone loves to be outside. But let’s be honest, not everyone loves feeling like they are baking in the hot sun. To help bring enjoyment to your cedar pergola, EZ-Shade Canopies offer a great shade-providing option. By adding shade to your cedar pergola, you can decrease the temperature by up to 10-15 degrees! The best part is you don’t even need electricity to make this option work for your Pergola.
Cedar Pergola Electrical Package
Can you remember a time when you were outside and thought: “If only I had an outlet, we could play some music or hang some lights or a fan.” Well, adding an electrical package to your Cedar Pergola allows you to have power where you need it when you need it. Gone are the days of daydreaming. We are here to help you make your oasis a reality.
Cedar Pergola Privacy Walls
Some people think open spaces make great neighbors, while others believe fences make great neighbors. If you fall in the second category, you will love the addition of a privacy wall on a cedar pergola. We know not everyone has the luxury of wide-open privacy, and sometimes a wall makes things feel more secure when you are in tight quarters.
Cedar Pergola Shade Curtains
Maybe a permanent wall on your cedar pergola isn’t what you want, but the idea of a little sunshade during the sunset sounds appealing to you. Or maybe you just want some privacy from time to time but aren’t wanting to commit to a wall. An EZ-Shade Curtain is a great option to match your need for both desires.
Cedar Pergola Attached To A House
Adding a feature like a cedar pergola to your property can also be fun to have it be a part of your home. A board will be attached to the exterior wall of your home and drilled into the studs. From there, the rest of the panels will be set into place on the adjacent support beams. To better understand the process, this video explains it quite well.
How much Does A Cedar Pergola Cost?
A Ceder Pergola will from a big box store cost as little as $1,431. But you get what you pay for. The average cost of a pergola from Hometown Structures is typical $13,480* installed. While selecting the largest commercial-sized Cedar Pergola from Hometown Structures will cost $65,680 *.
*These figures are accurate at the time of this writing on 8/30/2022. However, prices are subject to change without notice unless you have a quote in hand.
Cedar Pergola Sizes
The most popular size of cedar pergolas is 14×20, and 16×20 is split evenly among the orders we receive at Hometown Structures. Cedar Pergolas come in multiple sizes. Some are great for small spaces, while others are better suited for larger areas. To help you determine what size cedar pergola will fit your space, we have broken it down into four basic categories; small, medium, large, and commercial.
Small Cedar Pergolas
Small Cedar Pergolas are a great way to add some outdoor entertaining space! The biggest reason a pergola works so well in a small area is it still allows for an open feeling. Additionally, a small cedar pergola is a great way to adorn a larger property with multiple meeting places such as a winery, park, or community center.
The small cedar pergola sizes that we have to offer are:
8×8 | 8×10 | 8×12 |
10×10 | 10×12 |
Medium Cedar Pergolas
Medium pergolas are great when you have a home in the suburbs and a little bit more space to work with. What you will love with a medium cedar pergola is the ability to host more than just a few friends. Think about all the Bar-B-Qs, late-night conversations of morning cups of coffee you will be able to enjoy in your pergola.
The medium cedar pergola sizes that we have to offer are:
8×14 | 8×16 | 10×14 | 10×16 |
12×12 | 12×14 | 12×16 | 14×14 |
Large Cedar Pergolas
Large cedar pergolas are a great way to have an excellent area for an outdoor kitchen or large residential entertaining space. What makes these large pergolas a great fit is that they can be accommodated as a standalone structure or added to the home for a timeless feel. These cedar pergolas are a great way to have the whole block over for a party or enjoy the company of your extended family.
The large cedar pergolas that we have to offer are:
10×20 | 12×20 | 14×16 |
14×20 | 16×16 | 15’ Triangular |
Commercial Cedar Pergolas
When you hear of a commercial-sized cedar pergola, that doesn’t mean you can’t have it at home. We just know that a pergola this size is quite large and usually does not fit into the dimensions of a home. These pergolas make for great gathering space at home or when being used as a high-end feature at a garden, winery, retirement community, or restaurant.
The commercial-sized Cedar Pergolas that we have to offer are:
14×24 | 14×28 | 16×20 |
16×24 | 16×28 | 16×32 |
Cedar Pergola Designs
Many people have come to think that all pergolas are the same. However, while they share many similar characteristics, cedar pergolas come in multiple design styles. Each design has its pros and cons. So let’s look at the available cedar pergola designs to see which one suits your needs the best.
Traditional Cedar Pergolas
The Traditional Cedar Pergola is the pergola style you think of when a pergola comes to mind. Built in either a square or rectangular formation, the traditional cedar pergola is a staple to the classy yard. Available with multiple add-ons and in every size we offer, you can find the touch of class you have been looking for.
Hearthside Cedar Pergolas
The Hearthside Cedar Pergola is a great way to add a unique open-air feature to your backyard. Small enough to be enjoyed by a small group, yet large enough not to feel cramped. This cedar pergola is an excellent addition to any space.
Artisan Cedar Pergolas
The Artisan cedar pergola is a great way to get both a classic and rustic look. Offering the availability to be built on an existing deck or patio, we know that this will fulfill even the most apprehensive customer’s desires.
Santa Fe Cedar Pergolas
When you want a modern cedar pergola, the Santa Fe gives you just that. Designed with a sloped style roof line, this pergola style is great in areas that have low-hanging trees or if you just want a unique look. Additionally, this cedar pergola style can be fitted with a metal roof.
Kingston Cedar Pergolas
Boasting sturdy and wide 8”x8” cedar posts, the Kingston Cedar pergola offers a mountain lodge-style look. These cedar pergolas are a great addition to any place looking to have a feature to be talked about by your guests. Available in a wide variety of sizes, you are sure to find the one you are looking for.
Vista Cedar Pergolas
Are you tired of every Cedar Pergola looking the exact same? Do you need an open-air feature for your backyard for you and your company to enjoy? Check out the Vista Cedar Pergola. The Vista cedar Pergola gives you a modern and industrial look, while offering you a pergola that is not run-of-the-mill.
Our Cedar Pergolas
Now that you know everything there is to know (and probably some things you didn’t want to know) about Cedar Pergolas, it’s time to make a decision. Do you want a Cedar Pergola, or do you want something different? Cedar pergolas come with a lot of natural benefits. Low maintenance and the ability to give you a beautiful look. Hometown structures are excited to help you in your cedar pergola journey and get you precisely what you are looking for. Give us a call, contact us or fill out a free quote form to see what we can do for you. As we say here at Hometown Structures, “ Today is the day to get the outdoor structure you’ve always dreamed of.”